
Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Some of my Favorite Yoga Books

For some reason I thought I had already written this post before, but searching the archives I saw that I actually had not written it yet. Anyway, here are 4 of my favorite yoga books. I love yoga, but have not gotten to practice it as much this year because I have a cyst in my wrist that has kept me from hyperextending my wrist & making it difficult to do yoga. I find all of these books to be very helpful. Since I book yoga classes here in Houston and in other cities for my personal assistant clients, I have seen many studios recommend these books as well.

The Yoga Practice Guide & The Yoga Practice Guide 2: What I love about these books that they have great illustrated yoga sequences and it is easy to follow.

Yoga Anatomy: I love this book because it goes over parts of your body/muscles you are using with certain poses. To me it is very detailed and great to know exactly what your body is doing in particular poses.

The Language of Yoga: I really like this book because when I was doing my yoga training, I had to learn the sanskrit names and this book was great in helping me learn them.

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