
Friday, May 26, 2017

5 Things to Organize This Weekend

  • Clean out your fridge. Get rid of all old and expired food, drinks, etc from your fridge. Then really clean each shelf and drawer. 
  • Go through those piles. Do you have a stacks of papers just hanging out? Go through those stacks. If it a ton of stacks, break it down to 5-7 each weekend until you get through them all. 
  • Delete old photos / videos from your phone. If you are like me you have a TON of photos/videos on your phone that you don't need. Delete those photos. It will give you more space on your phone. I know I am in constant need of more space on my phone.
  • Delete old apps. Speaking of phone organization, delete all those old apps you no longer use/need and that just take up space. My husband constantly makes fun of me because I have a TON of apps. 
  • Tackle the junk drawer. Ahhh the dreaded junk drawer. This weekend go through it and really get rid of things you don't need in there like old batteries, rubber bands, trash, receipts, etc.

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