
Monday, April 6, 2020

5 Eco Things You Can Do During the COVID-19 Quarantine Time

If you are like most others right now, you are self quarantining or your city has a "shelter in place". Now is great time to start to make some eco changes.

Switch to cloth cleaning rags. Since there is limited paper goods at most stores right now, instead of using paper towels to clean, use cloth rags, old clothing, etc.

Start recycling. If you have never been much of a recycler now is a great time to start recycling and teaching kids to recycling.

Compost. A lot of people are at home and cooking much more than they did before, so now is the perfect time to start composting.

Do an energy audit. Call your electric company and do an energy audit to see where you are using the most energy in your house and how you can save on energy costs. Don't forget to turn off lights and electronics when you are not using them.

Ditch plastic disposable water bottles when you can. If you are at home start using reusable water bottles or actual glasses instead of grabbing for disposable water bottles if you have a good water source. It reduces on waste a TON.

Photo by The Honest Company on Unsplash

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