
Monday, July 13, 2020

Silver Linings During Quarantine / Stay at Home Orders

During the say at home orders and quarantining I could have quickly gone into a super negative deep, dark place, but chose to see the silver linings in many things even though there were many challenges along the way.

I was SUPER productive on the business and personal front. I really got a TON done. I made a master to do list of everything I needed to do and tried to check off at least 3 tasks a day. The larger to do tasks I broke down into smaller tasks or did part of it each day until I finished. This helped me tremendously without me feeling too overwhelmed.

I was happy that if I was going to get hacked it happened during quarantine. I of course DID NOT WANT TO GET HACKED, but it was out of my control. It happened. I was able to deal with it for 12 hours straight because we were in quarantine.

I got to read a ton. I was happy to finish some books I had been wanting to finish reading and starting new ones.

We saved SO much money. Not going out to restaurants, bars, stores, etc.we ended up saving a TON of money, which is an awesome benefit. We realized we needed to be more diligent in making this happen more often

Appreciate the small things. We take so much for granted on a daily basis and I really appreciated the small things like cooking dinner, spending time with my husband, playing games, etc.

Less stressed. Not driving in Houston traffic significantly reduced my stress level by a lot.

Got creative. I love to create and consider myself a somewhat creative person, but during quarantine we made signs for essential workers, colored, painted, made race cars, put together a wood catapult, put together Legos, etc. I love how peaceful being creative is.

Exercised almost daily in some capacity. We rode bikes and walked A LOT!! This was an amazing benefit of being in quarantine.

LOVED spending SO much time with my husband. We get to spend time with each other because of not working as much and being home a good chunk of the time was an amazing benefit. We got some house projects done, which was amazing.

I learned a TON of new things. I took a ton of webinars and online classes several times a week.
Watched movies I love and haven't seen in years. I watched tv a little, but not as much as I thought I would. I think because I was busy being productive in other areas.

Happiness. All of these combined was pure happiness because these can be very unhappy times.

Photo by Viktor Forgacs on Unsplash

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