
Monday, July 6, 2020

How to Efficiently & Productively Work from Home

I know you have probably seen so many posts and tips already about working from home, but this is something that I have had written for a couple years and thought I would go ahead and post it. As a productivity consultant there are a few tips that have helped my clients through the years.

Have a dedicated workspace. Whether this is a room or a corner have a space that is strictly dedicated to work and something you can walk away from at the end of the day.

Make sure your space is organized. When you have an organized space you are usually able to be more productive.

Make a list of everything you need to get done. You can keep a handwritten list if you are visual person, an electronic version or in list apps like Evernote.

Do the most difficult / important tasks first. When you get the most difficult tasks out of the way first, you feel less stressed and it makes getting your to-do list done much faster and easier.

Use the Pomodoro technique. It is where you set a timer and work on a task for 25 minutes straight and then take a break for 5-10 minutes.

Check email at designated times. That way you can focus on your email for a set amount of time.

Don't procrastinate and let home tasks distract you. Working from home can be difficult for some because you think about all the things that you need to get done in your own home.

Plan out each day. This way you know what you need to get done and stay on task.

Have set office hours. That way when you are done with work,  you are done.

Be active. If you are sitting all day and don't have far to walk to get a drink or food you will get minimal amount of exercise. Be sure to make it a point to take breaks and exercise at some point throughout the day.

Take breaks. It is necessary to take breaks in order to give yourself a mental break. Plus, it helps you with creativity and reduces stress.

Get dressed for work. Don't stay in your pajamas all day. Actually get dressed this can help you feel productive and makes you want to go to work. Plus, if you are on video calls you are ready.

Photo by Serpstat from Pexels

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