
Monday, June 1, 2020

What I Have Learned During COVID-19 Pandemic & Quarantine

Wash your hands and clean surfaces often. Of course I wash my hands regularly, but man have I washed and sanitized my hands so much that they are dry beyond belief and my eczema has really been acting up. I use this lotion during the day and this lotion at night, which has helped tremendously.

Sloooooow down. I can't tell you how good it has felt to slow down and take each day as it comes. I love having so much more quality time with my husband. If we had to drive traffic was super light and so much less stressful here in Houston where traffic is always bad. Not having event obligations has been great. Slowing down overall has been amazing.

Gave me a lot of time to think. I have obviously had a lot of time to think and there are certain things in my life I will no longer be doing and certain things I have no interest in participating in. I have so much to be thankful for.

Never take things for granted. Not working and not being able to see family has been the absolute hardest thing. Loss of income is sad, but not life threatening. We take SO much for granted from going to the store to going to out with friends to certain services we utilize on a regular basis and the list goes on and on. I am going to try hard to not take things for granted as much.

It affected me more than I realized. I felt like there was one thing after another that happened from being hacked to clients saying they couldn't leave Google reviews for Eco Modern Concierge to cleaning out items and seeing how emotional it was. I miss seeing clients & friends, I miss social interaction and I just miss so much. Some days were much better than others, but there was also so many silver linings during quarantine and all this.

We saved so much money. Looking at our budget it was I opening not being able to go do anything. Not driving, not going out to eat, not going into stores as frequently, etc. has really helped me in our personal life and in my business life. We will definitely curb our spending in so many areas.

I need social interaction more than I realized. I am a home body to a degree, but man do I miss family, friends, clients and colleagues SOOOO much. I need that social interaction for happiness and comfort. Thank goodness for social distance walking, zoom calls, email, phones and Netflix party. With all of those things I have been able to stay in touch with a lot of people, which has been great.

Find happy moments. Even though a lot of stressful things happened during quarantine, the littlest things are making me so happy from daily walks to bike rides to talking to friends on the phone.

Photo by Taylor Simpson on Unsplash

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