
Monday, May 11, 2015

Hot Yoga Essentials

Starting in January and lasting all of February I did Big Yoga's 40 challenge. I have had a lot of people mention how they loved the Big Yoga studio in Montrose and since I had never been, I decided to just jump right in with their 40 day challenge. New students get unlimited yoga for $30 a month then they have a variety of class packages you can choose from after that. 

I instantly hated it. I have been doing yoga off and on for 14 years and have always loved the hatha yoga style because I LOVE a good stretch. That being said, I do love trying new things and a good challenge. I didn't realize that Big Yoga was basically all hot yoga. I have done hot yoga at other studios.There were some non hot yoga classes at Big, but they were mainly towards the evening and mornings almost always work best for me when I exercise. I grew to not hate it as much. With the challenge we were doing it 6 days a week with one off day. My body was tired and sore doing it for 6 days straight. I was happy to run into people I knew, who I didn't know were doing the challenge.

Here are some things that I found helpful for hot yoga:

  • Obviously you need workout clothes. Get something that absorbs sweat. Brand doesn't matter, I really like Lululemons clothes because they are durable and last. 
  • Water bottle. I love my BKR bottle, but any will do. Most studios have water for you to purchase.
  • Yoga mat. Some yoga studios may have one for you to borrow or rent.
  • Towel. I know most people put towels on their mat to help them not slide. I personally don't like the towels on the mat because it makes me slip more. Some yoga studios may have one for you to borrow or rent.
  • Block. Some yoga studios may have one for you to borrow or rent.
  • Strap. Some yoga studios may have one for you to borrow or rent.
  • Hair tie. If your hair is long enough to pull back you may want to bring a hair tie.

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