
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Office Organization

One thing in my house that gets cluttered super fast is the office. I help people all the time get organized, but many of times it seems like I have the hardest time myself staying organized. Lately, I have been doing really well though.

Here are some tips to keeping your office organized

  • Have bins, baskets, trays or whatever it is that you need to help you stay organized. Just don’t get used to putting anything in them to get stuff out of the way. Make them designated for specific things.
  • File cabinets are a must. Keep up with your filing. This makes things so much easier when you are trying to look for something whether it is bills or stuff for your taxes.
  • Shelving. This is great to put notebooks, binders, supplies, etc on.
  • When mail comes in do something with it right away. Whether that is shred, file, recycle or needs to be paid bin. Don’t let it get piled up.
  • Keep it clean. For me when my workspace is clean I tend to be more productive and don’t get distracted as easily.
  • Make your supplies easily accessible to you so you don’t have to scramble when you are looking for something specific and in a rush.

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