
Monday, September 14, 2020

Holiday Tips You Can Start Doing Right Now To Get Ahead

I know it may seem early to start prepping for the holidays, but in order to relieve some stress and in an effort to get ahead of the game, I thought I would give you some tips that have worked for many of my clients and myself. We help organizing and concierge clients all the time get organized for the holidays and try to make them as stress free as possible. Here are several holiday tips of things you can do right now to prepare for the holidays.

 Start stocking up on gift cards. I know I have talked about this before, but now is a great time to start stocking up on gift cards for stores you know you will shop at during the holidays. This way when it comes to holiday shopping you have already "saved" for it and you don't feel as strapped for money. Also, many grocery stores will offer double and triple reward points throughout the year on gift cards and that is also a great time to stop up on them while getting extra points.

If you are shopping sales right now, think about your holiday gift list and stock up on items now. Even some experience gifts like museum & zoo memberships, subscription boxes, etc. are offering great deals right now. Stocking up on gifts now lessens the stress later in the holiday season.

If you already have a stockpile of gift, take inventory of what you have now. That way you are not overbuying during the holidays. Also, take inventory of your gift wrap supplies. 

If there are certain services you know you will use during the holidays, book them now before their appointments fill up. Plus, you will get a better choice on a day and time you want. Book services like photographers, carpet cleaners, caterers, house cleaners for deep cleans, organizers / concierges;), etc. 

Book your doctor appointments now if you are trying to meet your end of year deductible and spend your FSA money. If the doctor is already booked, get on their waiting list.

If you tip certain service people like lawn services, cleaning services, nannies, etc. during the holidays, start putting cash aside in envelopes for them that way you don't forget and you're ahead of the game. 

Start reviewing your holiday card list. Update addresses and take advantage of card sales when they happen in October and November. 

Paying for certain holiday services early will often give you bigger discounts. 

Many holiday light companies in Houston offer discounts anywhere from 50-75% off if you get your lights installed at the end of October versus in late November and December. Just because you have them installed doesn't mean you have to turn them on. Also, some Christmas tree companies will give you a discount if you pre-order your Christmas tree early.

Always ask stores for discounts and to price compare. Many stores will price compare, take expired coupons, discount various items if a box is damaged and sometimes you can even add on a coupon after price matching for even bigger discounts. It doesn't hurt to ask, and the worst that can happen is the manager says no.

Start decluttering your home now. Declutter areas that are often used during the holidays like kitchens, pantries, guest bedrooms, kids rooms, playrooms, etc. Donate, sell or give away your no longer needed items.

If Eco Modern Concierge can help with any organization or concierge services during the holidays feel free to call or email us, We'd love to help!! Visit our website to see holiday services that we often offer

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