
Monday, February 1, 2021

12 Simple Habits to Start in 2021 to Get You Organized

Since January is Get Organized (GO) Month here are 12 simple habits to start this year, 2021, to get you organized, feel less stressed and take control of your days. I know these may be things that you are already doing, but some of the simplest things are also some of the hardest to implement. 

  1. Take 10-15 minutes to straighten up each night. I know this may seem like a pain, but believe me it is so helpful and so much less stressful for your next day. Clean the dishes, wipe the counter tops, pick up trash, put items where they belong and make a list of what you will need for the next day. 
  2. Make your bed. It is an instant way to feel clutter free.
  3. Put your clothes away. Who else is guilty of letting clothes pile up? It may be annoying, but putting your clothes away daily will help you stay organized.
  4. Load the dishwasher nightly. If you do not want to load the dishwasher each time you use a dish, try to do it at least nightly.
  5. Go for a walk. Try to get some form of exercise. This helps declutter your mind. 
  6. Make lists. This helps you see what you need to do and keep you organized.
  7. Keep a donation bag or bin handy. Keep a donation bag or bin handy in each room, if possible, to keep your space decluttered and when you see something you no longer need, want or like toss it in there. 
  8. Label. Labeling is a simple and easy thing to do to get organized. It helps you stay organized and know where things should live. 
  9. Brain dump. Do a brain dump before bed. Believe me it will help you feel more organized, get things off your mind and sleep better.
  10. Time block. Block off chunks of time to get things done. 
  11. Start small. If you have a large project to tackle always start small. Write down the steps it will take you accomplish your goal and slowly tackle that project when you have time. Trying to do everything at once will be overwhelming. 
  12. Outsource. If you know your time and resources are better utilized somewhere else in your life, outsource when you can. For example, my husband and I are both not fond of painting and tried to tackle our whole upstairs, but quickly realized we did not want to spend our weekends painting when we had time off, so we finally hired a painter to finish all of our projects and it was a great decision. 

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