
Thursday, August 17, 2023

13 Things You Can Do Right Now to Start Prepping For The Holidays

Now is the time to start thinking about the holidays. As a professional organizer and concierge company, we know a thing or two about the holidays. They get insanely busy for us and we absolutely love every second of it. Below are 13 things that you can start doing now in order to prep for the holidays and get an early head start. Remember, do what you can when you can. If it is not in the cards for you right now or this year, then skip it. 

1. Create a holiday binder to keep all holiday related things together: calendars, gift lists, mailing supplies, meal plans, give back, volunteering, etc.

2. Create a holiday budget. To help with overspending during the holidays, here are some things to consider: shopping, events, giving, cards, house to-dos, meals, mailing / shipping supplies, etc. 

3. Make lists: shopping lists, gift lists, to-do lists, holiday bucket lists, Halloween to-do, Thanksgiving to-do, Hanukkah to-do, Christmas to-do, lists of all the things you need to do around, etc.

4. Print blank calendar pages and begin filling it with school commitments, holiday events, appointments, etc.

5. Book appointments: hair, house deep clean, carpet cleaners, window washers, light hangers, organizers, decorators, concierges, photographer, self-care, any other services you know you will use during the holidays.

6. Book reservations. If you know you want to go to special places during the holidays go ahead and make reservations, if you can. Book date nights, lunch or dinner with friends or any dates you know you may need a break.

7. Arrange for pet care. If you know you will be traveling make sure you have pet care all lined up. 

8. Book travel plans. Transportation, lodging, activities, and anything else related to travel.

9. Book doctors appointments. The end of the year is one of the busiest time for doctors offices, so go ahead and get those dates booked. 

10. Take advantage of sales for holiday events & experiences during the holidays.

11. Start purchasing gifts & begin wrapping. Consider experience gifts like memberships, spa treatments, things to do, etc.

12. Review your address list. Update your addresses for people you know that have moved or for people that their card came back from the previous year. 

13. Purchase gift cards for stores you know you will shop at during the holidays in order to help you budget during the holidays.


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