
Thursday, October 12, 2023

9 Things You Can Do Right Now to Prep for The Holidays


  1. Make and keep on ongoing master list of everything you want and need to do during the holidays.
  2. Give back. It is such a wonderful thing to do always, but during the holidays are especially hard for so many people. Decide what charity /charities you want to support and start prepping.
  3. Take inventory of gift wrapping supplies, baking supplies, card supplies, mailing supplies, etc.
  4. Schedule self care. You will be thankful you did this when the holidays are here.
  5. Schedule and take a day or two off to get things done. Prebook scheduled time off during the holidays to really get things done.
  6. Make sure to have extra items on hand. I like to have extra gift cards ready to go, various gifts, food items like cheese, crackers and meats. I like to have items on hand to make quick, easy meals in case I need to or have frozen food items that are delicious and that we can snack on appetizers. Extra decor supplies. Always have extra tape for gift wrapping and packing tape to ship items, readily available. 
  7. Plan your outfits for you and your family. Whether you are attending events, church, small gatherings, etc. Make sure to have what you want to wear on hand so you are not scrambling last minute. 
  8. Organize &/or clean regularly. This will help you stay on top of things so you are not frantic last minute right before guests come. 
  9. Book services you know you will use during the holidays early. Like cleaning people, party help, gift wrapping help, someone to help put up and take down Christmas decor.


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