
Wednesday, May 12, 2021

6 Question & Answers When It Comes to Book Organization

Being a professional organizing company we are constantly answering various organizing related questions to a wide array of media outlets in order to hopefully get exposure. Below are some questions related to book organization and various tips and tricks that we have when helping clients organize their book collection. We submitted these answers to various questions, which the questions have been condensed below. 

What are some questions you have related to book organization or getting your book collection organized?

1. Questions you are ask yourself when organizing books and deciding what to keep, donate, give away or toss:

Ask yourself these questions:

Do you reference it? 

Have you read it?

Will you read? 

Does it serve a specific purpose?

Why do you have it or how did you obtain it?

What is your reasoning for holding onto it?

2. Places you should take unwanted books you no longer need or want:

Your local library, school, donation center or free little library

3. Favorite ways to organize to organize books:

By category, by author, alphabetically, by color, &/ or by height

4. Helpful hints as to why organizing books this way below are helpful:

- Organizing books by color: People are stimulated by color and can often remember the color of something so it makes them happy to see it on the shelf and they can often quickly find what they need. When organizing by color, organize from big to small within the colors.

- Organizing books by author: Organizing by author is the classic way that you often see at the library &/ or bookstores within certain genres. This makes it extremely easy and helpful when you know what you are looking for.

- Organizing books by genre: If you have an idea of how you like books to be organized then organizing by genre is great because you will be able to find what you need when you are looking for it. Often times we organize by color within genres.

5. Creative ways people and clients like to display their books: 

People display books in all kinds of ways. Some ways include turning them backwards so you on see the pages, not the spines and taking the dust jackets off to give a monochromatic look. 

6. Unconventional ways to display books:

Displaying them on the floor rather than on a shelf, in bathrooms, in mudrooms, etc.

7. Advice when decluttering your book collection:

Think about the space that you have and see what books can be shared by others or passed on. Organize in a way that is functional and fun for you.

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