
Sunday, March 15, 2020

12 Things You Can Work on For Your Business When You have Downtime

We are hearing so much about COVID-19 and everyone is freaked out right now. Here at Eco Modern Concierge we are still very much in business as long as everyone is healthy and continuing on with our scheduled appointments. If you are a business owner and forced not to work try to find the silver lining. I thought I would make suggestions of some things to work on for your business in your downtime. This is also great for other times when you may have some downtime in your business. This stems a little bit from things I would love to work more on if I had a ton of downtime and some of it I either stay on top of or try to on a regular basis as a business owner.

  1. Write blog posts. Do you have a blog or have you been wanting to start a blog? Now is the time to come up with blog ideas and get started with it! Write about what you know, tips you have related to your industry, etc. 
  2. Schedule social media posts. I personally go through periods where I like to be on social media and times when I do not. The times when I do not, I often wish I had things scheduled so I could still stay current. I often know my limits and know it is ok to take social media breaks and do a social media detox. Scheduling posts is great for times when I don't feel like being on social media.
  3. Take an online class. I am part of the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals (NAPO) and the National Concierge Association (NCA) and they offer various online continuing education classes. This is great to help you expand your knowledge in a certain areas or work towards some type of certification. Or research other online classes that pertain to your specific field. 
  4. Update your website. Have you been wanting to update your website and just haven't? Why not try to tackle it while you have some time. Or research website professionals in your area that 
  5. Prepare your taxes. The dreaded taxes come every year and if you haven't already done your business taxes or started on various components for them, now that you may have downtime would be a great time. 
  6. Renew memberships. There are several memberships and organizations that I am a part of and require me to update them and renew memberships and for some reason they mostly seem to fall in the March & April months. 
  7. Join a new professional organization or networking group online. Is there a professional organization you have been wanting to join? Now is great time to do the research and send an email with any questions you may have for that particular organization. Also, there are so many different online networking groups that could help you with your business or that are related to your particular field.
  8. Update online profiles. Have you been wanting to update your online profiles like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Yelp, etc.? These are often profiles we forget to update regularly especially if something has changed in your business.
  9. Make lists. Make lists of all of things (or most of the things) you want to accomplish with your business and make those things happen. Or at least take the baby steps to make those things happen. 
  10. Make videos. Have you been wanting to incorporate more videos into or for your business? Make several videos, edit them or not and get them out there. Let people know about your business, tips you want to share, products you love, etc. 
  11. Follow up with past clients. Now is great time to follow up with past clients. Check on them and see how they are doing. Often times with I do this clients hire us to come back out and help them. 
  12. Reach out to colleagues or vendors. Reach out to people in your industry or vendors you use in your industry to just chat, see how you can help each other, see if they are offering any new products or services. 

Photo by STIL on Unsplash