
Friday, June 18, 2021

6 Reasons Why it is Important to Write Things Down for Visual People

Are you a visual person? I am and writing things down with pen and paper really help me remember all the things that I need to do for myself, my business and for clients.  Doing professional organizing and concierge tasks for clients can mean juggling a ton of different balls all at once and writing everything down visually lets me quickly scan what needs to be and what the most important tasks may be. If you are a visual person like me, here are some reasons why writing things down is important. 

  • It helps you remember things. You can often retain more when you are doing the act of writing things down.
  • It helps you keep a record of what needs to be done. Are you a list maker? I am and having a written list helps me keep a record and track of everything that needs to be done. I can ask my husband what needs to be done, but he does better when he has a list and can check things off.
  • Helps you get your ideas out of your head. Do you ever think of ideas at the strangest times? I do and writing things down immediately if possible helps me remember them. A lot of times these are things that need to be done in business or various ideas I have about various things. 
  • Clears the mind. Before bed I often try to do a brain dump to get everything out of my head that is going on and what needs to be done the next day. This is so helpful to not start the days off chaotic thinking of the 5 million things that need to get done and how they are going to get done. That is why I try to plan the night before. Since having a baby this has been extremely helpful. 
  • Helps with productivity. Keeps you on track of what needs to be done and staying productive because you can see what needs to be done and map out the best way to prioritize those tasks. 
  • Frees up mental space. Getting things out of your head really helps you clear your mental space. 
Some other thoughts....
  • Because I write so many things down I have made it a "goal" this year to use up various notepads I had laying around that were half used. I am happy to report that it is going well so far.
  • I once read that writing things down in a green pen or pencil helps you remember things more. I am not sure the science behind this, but I like the color green so it works out well.
  • I love using colored pens in general for writing things down because, for me, it helps me remember things more and I actually WANT to accomplish things. 
  • I don't know about you, but for me making lists and crossing things off of them just feels dang good. 
Are you a visual person? Why do you like writing things down?

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