Random acts of kindness week is February 14 - 20, 2021 this year. Start preparing now on how you would like to celebrate &/or acts of kindness you would like to focus on. Don't just do it for week, make it a goal to do random acts of kindness all year long.
If you go to
https://www.randomactsofkindness.org you will see a ton of different ideas like monthly calendars with various random acts of kindness you can participate in, coloring pages, etc. I love the idea of a kindness jar and being aware of acts of kindness that is all around you.
Try to get as many people as you can to celebrate random acts of kindness week and day.
Here are a few ways to celebrate:
Involve your neighborhood. Post on your neighborhood Facebook and NextDoor pages to see who would like to participate. Do something nice for neighbors and neighbors in need. A few years ago one of my neighbors baked cookies for neighbors whose spouses had passed away and gave the cookies away on Valentine's Day.
Reward your employees for participating in random acts of kindness week /day. Make sure you recognize the good they are doing and pay it forward.
Promote your company during random acts of kindness week / day. Do something good for the community and continue this all year round.
Show your kids the importance of doing random acts of kindness. Kids lead by example and are sponges, so let them know how important it is to do good for others. Hopefully they follow in your footsteps.