
Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Houston Organizer // Client Traveller: Closet Organization Before & After

I have worked with this client for many, many years and helped her organize her closet a few years ago after she moved in and every so often I help her with refreshing her space. 

Closet organizing tip:

  1. Declutter: get rid of what you no longer need, want, like, items that have tears, stains, etc. 
  2. The easiest way to make a closet look organized is to switch hangers and color code.
    1. This client loved using white hangers 
  3. Typically I sort by type so sleeveless, short sleeve, long sleeve, etc. Then sometimes I break it down to dress shirts, casual, sweaters, etc. 
  4. Typically we will have tops on the top part of the closet bays and bottoms on the bottom. It just depends on the closet, how the client wants it, etc.
  5. Use drawer organizers like these cloth drawer organizers.
  6. Some clients like leaving their shoes open on the shelf and some others like using clear shoe boxes like these
How do you like to organize your closet? 

Monday, January 27, 2020

Made in the USA: Sterilite Shoe Boxes

As a professional organizer one of the most versatile products that we see and use all the time in client's homes is the plastic shoe box. They are great in offices, playrooms, garages, etc. Where do you like to use them. As you can see above, we used them in this office closet to help sort supplies.

Here is the shelving unit and label maker we used.

Friday, January 24, 2020

10 Things that Make Me Happy November 2019

Wow a lot went on in November. Where did the time go.... Here are 10 things that made me happy.

  1. Celebrating our 7 year anniversary.
  2. Several weekends off.
  3. It makes me so happy knowing how much Bryan loves Thanksgiving. 
  4. Nutcracker shopping with my mom & brother and running into my aunt and her friends. 
  5. Spending Thanksgiving at my in laws. 
  6. Getting our Christmas tree.
  7. Going to Santa's Wonderland in College Station for the first time. 
  8. Going to Zoo Lights with Bryan. 
  9. Finally getting the Eco Modern Concierge website updated and adding a shop section (this actually happened more so in September / October), but it's a work in progress. 
  10. Friendsgiving with our friends.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

New Products We Are Loving from The Container Store

As a professional organizer I am always checking out what is new in the industry. Since I love going to The Container Store and it is basically my home away from home, it is always fun seeing when they have new products. The Houston locations sell out very quickly of certain items so when I know clients want certain products I have to jump on them!

It is great to have fresh and different ideas for clients because all spaces are SO different. Clients are always excited when we bring new and different products.

What are some of your favorite products to use?

Steele Canvas Baskets: these became popular a few years ago and it is fun to see The Container Store is finally selling them.

Toy Storage: I always love new toy storage ideas.

Lion Hyacinth Bin:This is just so cute for a baby or kid's room. They come in other various animals as well.

Seagrass & Cotton Basket: I love that this basket folds down so you can change the style and size of it if you like.

White Rolling Bin: This is perfect for under the bed storage.

Acrylic Risers: I love using risers for various things and it is fun to see a different design of the acrylic riser.

Acrylic Lidded Box: We are using this on a client project coming up and can't wait to see how it looks on the desk.

Cart organizer: I know SO many clients who have these carts and because so many people use them in bathrooms, craft rooms, kid's rooms, etc. these cart organizers are so handy.

Black Wire Baskets: Black bins and baskets are definitely trending right now and I know so many client's who will love these.

All images from The Container Store

Monday, January 20, 2020

Friday, January 17, 2020

10 Things that Make Me Happy October 2019

Wow a lot went on in October and I am just now catching up on the 10 things that make me happy posts.

  1. Went to ACL. Always a fun. This year was a little different. 
  2. Organized for non-profit, which we offer to do once a month for 2-3 hours for free for any non-profit.
  3. Volunteered at MFAH. I have been volunteering here for almost 12 years and love it, but didn't get to volunteer much this year. 
  5. Kick starting the holiday season for many clients and helping them get organized. 
  6. Feeling grateful for getting to do what I love. 
  7. Getting to help with a super fun client housewarming  / fiesta. 
  8. Bryan surprising me and getting my family together for my birthday at one of my favorite restaurants for oysters, Gilhooley's.
  9. I hadn't been to Buzzfest since I was in middle or high school I think, but some friends invited us and we had so much fun. 
  10. Celebrating Halloween! One of my favorite holidays.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

A Day in the Life of a Houston Professional Organizer and Personal Concierge

Here is a recap for EMC this week and the 5 million different directions I went in. This is the life of a Houston professional organizer and concierge. To shop most of the organization items from this post visit .


Helped a client in Memorial who is still renovating after Harvey. We moved clothing items from the section she is currently living in to the actual master bedroom, organized the laundry room a little bit more and other areas as well.

Then headed to Cypress to work on another master closet. This client has a really hard time getting rid of things because of sentimental attachment, but she did GREAT!!


Worked with a client in Memorial to organize their pantry it went from chaos to fabulousness in 3 hours.

Went to a longtime client in The Woodlands to help her sort through some photos of her mom real quick who sadly just passed away this week. If you have been following along for awhile you remember all the times we went to Tomball to go through my client's mom's estate downsize, donate and sell while her mom was in the nursing home and not doing well. I facetimed with my client probably 100+ hours in a year+ time period because she was unable to make it to the house. It was an extremely tedious project, but rewarding in the end.

Then to West U to help a client clear out one of her spare rooms to make room for a Peleton and we made the spare closet a gifting closet.


I have weekly standing appointments with several clients and Wednesday are big standing appointment days.

Met with my client in Piney Point and organized issues that are happening for their country home. Got new EZ tag for their new car. Coordinated with the boy that comes and does a ton of chores for them, etc.

Then off to River Oaks to help another regular client move some items around in their attic, do the summer to winter wardrobe switch. Then take donations.

In Montrose to check on a client's home who is out of town.

Then the National Concierge Association of Greater Houston meeting in the evening.


Brave the Nutcracker Market chaos in the morning.

Head to River Oaks in the afternoon where we are decluttering a client's whole home prepping for renovations.

Still in River Oaks and helped client put up some Christmas decor.


Helped a client party prep. Picked up cookies from baker, grocery run, Michaels run for kids crafts and Specs. Then headed back to their house to bag and tie ribbon on 48 cookies.

Then headed back to the Nutcracker Market to meet my mom and brother who happened to be in the area.


Headed to Alvin to do a closet organizing project. It has been a busy week and will only get busier.

Monday, January 13, 2020

National Clean Off Your Desk Day!

Today is National Clean Off Your Desk Day!

Here are some quick tips to cleaning off your desk.
  1. Throw away trash that is on your desk. 
  2. Sort like items together and contain in bins, baskets, drawers, etc. 
  3. File papers that need to be filed. 
  4. Put action items in a desktop file or desktop sorter / trays.
  5. Label bins and sorters so you know where things go. 
  6. Create systems that work for you for incoming / outgoing paperwork. 
  7. Keep supplies you use often within reach. 

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

January is Get Organized Month

January is Get Organized and Be Productive Month! What are you doing in January to get organized and be productive?

Here are some are some quick tips to get started organizing.

Start small. Don't decide one day you are going to organize your whole house because you will become very stressed and overwhelmed very quickly. Start small and pick one cabinet, drawer, area, etc. This way it doesn't feel so overwhelming.

Purge / Declutter. Go room by room or area by area and start to get rid of things you no longer want, need or have room for.

Sort. Put like things together and take items that don't belong in a certain area to their appropriate places.

Contain. Then begin to contain like items together whether this is in a shoebox, bin, basket, etc.

These quick tips are will hopefully feel more ORGANIZED once you begin. Happy organizing. Send me your progress pictures.

Monday, January 6, 2020

2020 Goals

2019 was a fabulous year and I can't wait to see wait 2020 has in store for Eco Modern Concierge. We accomplished a ton, but still have a ton more to accomplish. You can view past goals: 2018, 201720162015, and 2014

Business Goals

Hire more people. In 2019 Eco Modern Concierge grew a lot and I am forever thankful and grateful for that. It has come time that we need to expand even more. I love what I do everyday and so very thankful for our referrals.

Explore more opportunities with my certifications. I have several certifications and want to explore opportunities that come with certifications.

Work with more corporate clients. I love working with businesses and want to work more with corporate clients this year.

Write EMC processes. I have a ton of processes and the way I like things done behind the scenes, so this year I am determined to get everything organized and into flowing processes.

Say no more. I am a yes person and tend to over commit. As much as I want to help, when I over commit I tend to get really stressed out and don't perform as well as I would like. I will be saying no more often this year.

Personal Goals

Volunteer more. I hardly volunteered at all in 2019, so in 2020 I want to volunteer at least once a month.

Organize my photos. The last couple of years I have not organized my photos like I have wanted to.

Be more intentional with my time. I want to spend more time with my husband, family and friends and not working so much at home. Hence why I am looking to hire people to help me.

Send more cards. Some how got away from sending as many cards as I used to, so this year I want to send more cards.