
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

5 Back to School Productivity Tips for Students

I don't know about where you are, but here in Houston school is back in session for many districts and it is time to get organized and start the school year off right. Below are 5 productivity tips for students.

Write it down! Pen & paper is the perfect way to keep track of what you need to do and when you need to do it. Consider getting a paper calendar and a plain 'ol notebook to keep track of everything you need. Electronic is great, but with your looming to do list pen & paper is great way to visually see what you need to do and help you retain it.

Get ready the night before. Prep the night before so you start the day off right. Get your bag, clothes and lunch ready so when you wake up you have to make as few decisions as possible. This helps you start the day off not stressed and ready to learn.

Get rid of distractions. When you are studying, doing homework or trying to focus block out distractions like t.v. and your phone. Leave the t.v. off. Put apps on your phone like Moment, Cold Turkey & Self Control that prohibit you from checking social media.

Take breaks. It is not good for your mind or body to never have a break. If you are studying or focusing for an extended periods of time, get up walk around, get some water, step outside or do whatever you have to do take your mind off of something.

Take care of yourself. Remember that it is important to take care of yourself. You need to get proper sleep, exercise, eat healthy (don't load up on energy drinks) meditate or do whatever you need to do to keep your body & mind performing at its best. That's help you all around in your everyday life.

What are some productivity hacks you have for back to school?

Photo by Plush Design Studio from Pexels

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