
Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Holiday Tips From a Professional Organizer & Personal Concierge Pt. 6


The holidays are fast approaching and here are some things that you can do this week to start prepping for the holidays

🌿Deep clean appliances like the fridge, freezer, oven, dishwasher, etc. & make sure everything is in working order

🌿Make sure small appliances like the crockpot, blender, food processor, etc. are also in working order

🌿Make & freeze what you can ahead of time

🌿Buy non- perishable items

🌿Place a grocery delivery for next week

🌿Try new recipes you plan on using now

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Holiday Tips From a Professional Organizer & Personal Concierge Pt. 5


The holidays are fast approaching and here are some things that you can do this week to start prepping for the holidays

🌿Start to polish silver or take it to get polished

🌿Take linens to dry cleaners to press 

🌿Order anything you need for thanksgiving: food, florals, essentials, etc.

🌿Order holiday cards

🌿Take inventory of your wrapping supplies

🌿Plan your holiday outfits

Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Holiday Tips From a Professional Organizer & Personal Concierge Pt. 4


The holidays are fast approaching and here are some things that you can do this week to start prepping for the holidays

🌿Finalize halloween night plans & meals

🌿Clean & organize your garage, attic & basement 

🌿Pre order & begin meal prepping holiday meals 

🌿Loosely meal plan & prep the next 2 months of nightly meals 

🌿Schedule a house deep clean before the holidays

🌿Do a wardrobe switch for the winter

Monday, October 23, 2023

Holiday Tips From a Professional Organizer & Personal Concierge Pt. 3


As a professional organizer and personal concierge we are preparing for the holidays all year long and once October hits it is full force into the holiday season for clients. The holidays are fast approaching and here are some things that you can do this week to start prepping for the holidays. 

🌿Finalize halloween night plans & meals

🌿Clean & organize your garage, attic & basement 

🌿Pre order & begin meal prepping holiday meals 

🌿Loosely meal plan & prep the next 2 months of nightly meals 

🌿Schedule a house deep clean before the holidays

🌿Do a wardrobe switch for the winter

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Holiday Tips From a Professional Organizer & Personal Concierge Pt. 2


The holidays are fast approaching and here are some things that you can do this week to start prepping for the holidays

🌿 Book all the things you need to book. Reservations, self-care, medical, dental, photography, holiday events, etc.

🌿Update your addresses

🌿Buy Stamps

🌿Clean gutters, windows & filters

🌿Get your ducts & HVAC serviced

🌿Book Holiday Help! Organizers, decorators, babysitters, assistance, etc.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Holiday Tips From a Professional Organizer & Personal Concierge Pt. 1


As a professional organizer and personal concierge we are preparing for the holidays all year long and once October hits it is full force into the holiday season for clients. The holidays are fast approaching and here are some things that you can do this week to start prepping for the holidays. 

🍂Buy Halloween candy

🍂Get your Halloween costumes

🍂Plan For Fall / Halloween / Dia de los Muertos activities, parties, & teacher gifts

🍂Start utilizing your holiday binder and keeping track of all things holiday

🍂Print blank calendar pages for Oct, Nov & Dec and put any important dates on there

How are you preparing for the holidays?

Thursday, October 12, 2023

9 Things You Can Do Right Now to Prep for The Holidays


  1. Make and keep on ongoing master list of everything you want and need to do during the holidays.
  2. Give back. It is such a wonderful thing to do always, but during the holidays are especially hard for so many people. Decide what charity /charities you want to support and start prepping.
  3. Take inventory of gift wrapping supplies, baking supplies, card supplies, mailing supplies, etc.
  4. Schedule self care. You will be thankful you did this when the holidays are here.
  5. Schedule and take a day or two off to get things done. Prebook scheduled time off during the holidays to really get things done.
  6. Make sure to have extra items on hand. I like to have extra gift cards ready to go, various gifts, food items like cheese, crackers and meats. I like to have items on hand to make quick, easy meals in case I need to or have frozen food items that are delicious and that we can snack on appetizers. Extra decor supplies. Always have extra tape for gift wrapping and packing tape to ship items, readily available. 
  7. Plan your outfits for you and your family. Whether you are attending events, church, small gatherings, etc. Make sure to have what you want to wear on hand so you are not scrambling last minute. 
  8. Organize &/or clean regularly. This will help you stay on top of things so you are not frantic last minute right before guests come. 
  9. Book services you know you will use during the holidays early. Like cleaning people, party help, gift wrapping help, someone to help put up and take down Christmas decor.


Tuesday, October 10, 2023

14 Ways Eco Modern Concierge Professional Organizers & Personal Assistants Can Help You During the Holidays

THE HOLIDAYS ARE RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER and they will be here before you know it. We are almost already fully pre-booked for the 2023 holiday season. Many clients have hired us to help 2-4 hours once a week from October - December to help with various holiday tasks and relieve some holiday stress. If you are interested in this, please reach out and we would love to help you. 

As many of you know, we do a TON of gifting wrapping for residential and commercial clients where we come to your place of work and wrap presents during the holidays. This is great for company culture, helps relieve stress during the holidays and is perfect for you and your team. Please reach out for more information. We have several companies already pre-booked for gift wrapping services for their employees.

Some tasks that we often get asked to help with during the holidays:
  1. Gift wrapping
  2. Decorating
  3. Shopping & various errands
  4. Delivering of gifts
  5. Shipping
  6. Coordinating service people
  7. Making reservations
  8. Coordinating the delivery of various goods and services
  9. Prepping second homes for the holidays
  10. Assist guests while they are in town
  11. Help with set up and clean up at parties & events
  12. Getting organized throughout your home & business
  13. Gathering card lists, addresses and mailing holiday cards
  14. Prepping invitations
  15. The list goes on & on....

Saturday, September 23, 2023

1st Day of Fall & a Fall Cleaning Checklist


Happy first day of Fall! Here is hot Houston where we are sweating more of the months of the year, we always look forward to *hopefully* cooler temperatures that fall brings. For me, it gives me an excitement of all the things that fall and the holidays bring. Plus, now that I am a parent I look forward to all the new things that I get to do with the kids as they grow.

Here is a fall cleaning checklist that you can do in order to prepare this season:
  • Windows. Clean them inside and out. An easy way to clean the outside is by using this outdoor window cleaner and to clean the inside windows (according to our housekeeper) use glass cleaner and this duster to easily get them cleaned. 
  • Vacuum & flip the mattresses. Odds are you probably don't clean and flip your mattress that often, so with the new season it is a great time to do that. Sprinkle some baking soda on the mattress and let sit for at least 30 minutes and then vacuum it off.
  • Oven. Clean your oven in order to prep for all the cooking and baking you may do during this holiday season.
  • Carpets & flooring. Get carpets and floors cleaned to get a jump start on deep cleaning and all the traffic you may have in your house during the holidays.
  • Cabinet fronts. If you don't clean them regularly, now is a great time to do it because usually in the fall & winter the kitchen is more heavily used than on a normal basis.
  • Fridge & freezer. Now is the perfect time to clean out your fridge and freezer to make sure you have room for all the baking & cooking you may doing this holiday season. We love using shelf liner to make cleaning fridges and freezers easier. We also like using bins like these to contain food & condiments.
  • HVAC. Service your HVAC to make sure it is in top working order.
  • Fans. If you change the direction of your fans in the fall, be sure to clean them off as well. This fan duster works great to reach high fans and has a pivoting duster head to really get in all parts of the fan.
  • Fireplace & chimney. Make sure your fireplace and chimney are in great working order during this holiday season. 
  • Kitchen appliances. If you know you will be using certain kitchen appliances this summer. Replace ones that need replacing and turn everything on to make sure they are all in working order.
What is on your fall cleaning list?

Monday, September 11, 2023

25 Ways You Can Practice Self-Care

Self-care has been such a buzz word for so many years, but when you are stuck or not feeling yourself it may be time for a break and to practice a little self-care. Self - care can help you physically, mentally, & emotionally. 
  1. Journal
  2. Take a bath
  3. Meditate
  4. Learn a new skill 
  5. Say "NO" to someone, an event invite, etc.
  6. Listen to a podcast
  7. Read a new book
  8. Cook healthy meals at home
  9. Watch your favorite movie
  10. Organize an area of your home
  11. Spend 30 minutes outside 3-5 times a week
  12. Sleep
  13. Go out to eat
  14. Buy a special treat for yourself
  15. Get acupuncture
  16. Get a massage
  17. Go to a therapist
  18. Try a new exercise class
  19. Buy yourself flowers
  20. Ask for help
  21. Call a friend
  22. Get a babysitter and go do something for yourself
  23. Make art
  24. Detox from social media
  25. Go get a mani/pedi
What are some ways that you practice self-care?

Monday, August 28, 2023

Valuable Lessons We Hope to Teach Our Children

It is so funny to see the amount of posts that have been written for years, but never got published. This was one of them. We are in client's homes all the time and are around so many kiddos, so there are some things that I have learned from clients that I hope we can demonstrate and teach our kids in our own home.  We have also learned from so many family members and friends as well.

Below is what I wrote several years ago and it includes so much more that is not on here, but I still think this is very true of what we would like to teach our kids. 

  • Be kind
  • Be respectful
  • Have good manners
  • Help others in need
  • Do not bully
  • Love each other

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Houston Professional Organizer // Client Harvey Renovation Finally Complete: Pantry Organization

We have been helping this client organize for several years and they are just the sweetest. They flooded in Harvey, so their whole house went through a massive, loooong renovation that was finally completed in 2020. We have helped them in all areas of the home and can't wait to show you all the areas. This post alone is long overdue. They lived in one part of their house while the rest of the house was being renovated, so their food / pantry situation was not the best for awhile. This is their pantry. I love that all their shelves are adjustable. If you plan on doing a renovation anytime soon, I highly recommend putting in cabinets and shelves that have adjustable shelving. It makes a huge difference because you can customize your space based on the foods, appliances, and items you are going to keep in there. 

Here is what we used:
Here are some during and after photos: 

this post contains affiliate links

Monday, August 21, 2023

Houston Professional Organizer // Client Acupuncturist Bathroom Organization

Finally catching up from years of past projects that have been sitting in our blog drafts. This sweet organizing client is an acupuncturist in Houston, TX and we organized several areas of her home. This is the bathroom linen closet that we revamped. The closet had to hold a lot of different items and products, so we used products that were economical and functional. 

Here is what we did:
  • Sorted. We sorted like items together.
  • Organized by type. We organized by type. 
  • Contained. We contained in bins these white bins that she purchased so we used was on hand along with what she already had.

Thursday, August 17, 2023

13 Things You Can Do Right Now to Start Prepping For The Holidays

Now is the time to start thinking about the holidays. As a professional organizer and concierge company, we know a thing or two about the holidays. They get insanely busy for us and we absolutely love every second of it. Below are 13 things that you can start doing now in order to prep for the holidays and get an early head start. Remember, do what you can when you can. If it is not in the cards for you right now or this year, then skip it. 

1. Create a holiday binder to keep all holiday related things together: calendars, gift lists, mailing supplies, meal plans, give back, volunteering, etc.

2. Create a holiday budget. To help with overspending during the holidays, here are some things to consider: shopping, events, giving, cards, house to-dos, meals, mailing / shipping supplies, etc. 

3. Make lists: shopping lists, gift lists, to-do lists, holiday bucket lists, Halloween to-do, Thanksgiving to-do, Hanukkah to-do, Christmas to-do, lists of all the things you need to do around, etc.

4. Print blank calendar pages and begin filling it with school commitments, holiday events, appointments, etc.

5. Book appointments: hair, house deep clean, carpet cleaners, window washers, light hangers, organizers, decorators, concierges, photographer, self-care, any other services you know you will use during the holidays.

6. Book reservations. If you know you want to go to special places during the holidays go ahead and make reservations, if you can. Book date nights, lunch or dinner with friends or any dates you know you may need a break.

7. Arrange for pet care. If you know you will be traveling make sure you have pet care all lined up. 

8. Book travel plans. Transportation, lodging, activities, and anything else related to travel.

9. Book doctors appointments. The end of the year is one of the busiest time for doctors offices, so go ahead and get those dates booked. 

10. Take advantage of sales for holiday events & experiences during the holidays.

11. Start purchasing gifts & begin wrapping. Consider experience gifts like memberships, spa treatments, things to do, etc.

12. Review your address list. Update your addresses for people you know that have moved or for people that their card came back from the previous year. 

13. Purchase gift cards for stores you know you will shop at during the holidays in order to help you budget during the holidays.