
Friday, January 29, 2021

2021 Valentine's Day Cards

Some years I send out Valentine's Day cards and some years I don't. This year I decided I wanted to and got a jump start on them early and I am so glad that I did. 

I can't find exact links to the products, but here is what I used:

  • Carlton Valentine's Day cards 10 for $4.99 from Target
  • Carlton heart sticker seals 24 for $2.49 from Target
  • The new USPS love stamp
I addressed and mailed every all the cards and this year I sent them to Loveland, CO so they could be postmarked from there. I have done this before and it is so fun. 

Here is the address if you would like to send them with the Loveland, CO postmark:

Attention Valentines 
446 E 29th St. 
Loveland, CO 80538-9998

Here is more information from the Loveland, CO chamber of commerce with postmark deadlines, etc. 

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

How to Host and Tips for Getting Organized for a Safe Super Bowl Party During a Pandemic in 2021

Are you watching the Super Bowl this year? It is Sunday, February 7, 2021. I know by unpopular opinion that hosting Super Bowl parties is NOT the best thing to do right now since Corona virus is spreading so rapidly, but in all reality, it is going to happen anyways for a lot of people. Especially, here in the Houston area where life is back to "normal" for many people unfortunately. Remember to practice safe social distancing if you are attending or hosting a party. 

Are you celebrating Super Bowl Sunday? If so, how are you celebrating. 

Here are some save ways to host a party where you can social distance if you choose to and what to include in your parties:

Where to host

Host a virtual party. Gather a group of friends and watch the Super Bowl all together via Zoom, Discord or on your own. Then check in with each other during certain points of the game. 

Rent a theater. Many theaters let you rent out the whole theater and you can put whatever you want on it. Some large theaters have various restrictions while other smaller theaters in small towns will let you rent the whole theater to watch whatever you like. 

Host a socially distanced outdoor party. If you have a pop up movie screen or even projecting the game on your garage or to sheet would work just fine. People

Host a watch party at a drive up theater either at a drive in or at your house if you have room. This is fun way that everyone can social distance and still be entertained. 

Sanitation Station

Determine where you will have a sanitation station. Depending on where you will be hosting your Super Bowl party make sure you have a sanitation station readily available for everyone. Would this be set up at the end of your driveway, a theater, an entrance to your backyard or home, etc. 

Have disposable masks. If someone forgot their mask, make sure to have a disposable one on hand for them. 

Have cleaning supplies handy. Wipe down communal surfaces frequently like food and drink spaces. Whether this is with cleaning spray or disinfecting wipes. 

Determine a way to have easy access to facilities on site. If a guest needs to go to the restroom will there be a bathroom readily available for them?


Play games. During the Super Bowl play drinking games or other games during the game or during commercial breaks. 

Games for little ones. What will you have easily available for little kids that may be there? Coloring stations, puzzles, board games, yard games, etc are always fun for kids. 

Food & Drink

Individually packaged foods. Buy snack packs for for finger goods, dips, chips, desserts, etc. Many restaurants are also selling individual boxed food, charcuterie boards, etc. This is an easy way to keep it sanitary and make sure everyone isn't grabbing from the same food bowls. 

BYOF & BYOB. Bring your own food and drinks. Tell guests that you are doing picnic style and ask them to bring their own food. 

Grill. If you are hosting an outdoor party grill for your guests. 

Hire a bartender. Do you not want to worry about things and stress less, if it is in your budget hire a bartender. 

Use delivery services. Use delivery services like Drizly, UberEats, Favor, etc. get your food, drink and decor delivered if you don't have to to think about it or to feel less stressed. 


Go for simple. Go for simple decorations. Places like the dollar store, Walmart and Party City have decent, inexpensive decorations. 

Use butcher paper. Using butcher paper is an easy way to decorate is with butcher paper on tables and have kids color on them or use it label what food is what, drinks, etc.

Photo by Chris K from Pexels

Monday, January 25, 2021

9 Items to Get Organized in the New Year

There are constantly new products coming out in the organizing world. As professional organizers, we are constantly on the hunt for what is new, aesthetically pleasing, functional, etc. These are some products that I know many clients will love in 2021 and beyond. Many we have already used before and already love. 

Rolling cart storage: I love the color of this cart and it is perfect in a beach house, playroom or under a console table where you need more room or storage. 

Metal stacking bins: These are new and I thought they were so fun. Great for a craft room or playroom.

Cleaner and sweeper holder: I saw this on Simply Organized and thought it was such a great idea. It is a docking station for cordless vacuum. 

Magazine file: I use these on projects all the time and love them. 

Xbox game console organizer: If you need to corral your game system this organizer will help everything stay contained and organized. 

Narrow space saver: This is perfect for skinny spaces like beside a washing machine or dryer.

Acrylic cart: If you have been around awhile you know I have posted many uses for a cart. This one has office organizers already included with it.

Transparent sticky notes: Personally, I like using these in my planner. You will need to use Sharpie based pens or markers when writing on them. 

Acrylic hat stand: If you want to display your hats, this is perfect.

Friday, January 22, 2021

10 Things that Make Me Happy September - December 2020

Wow I really fell off of the wagon when it comes to writing these 10 things that make me happy posts. The end of the year was just really crazy, so I will sum of some things that made me happy from September - December 2020. 

  1. Finally telling people we are expecting a baby boy. So in love and so excited.
  2. Spending time with my family.
  3. Family and clients treating our baby boy so well and giving us such sweet gifts.
  4. Finishing the nursery. 
  5. Seeing so much kindness around. Several people did random acts of kindness for me like someone paying for my kolache and donut because I held the door open, holding doors open, etc.
  6. New & old clients trusting us with projects. 
  7. Having a quick escape with my husband to a ranch during Christmas break. 
  8. Celebrating my grandmother's 80th birthday & celebrating my cousin's wedding. 
  9. Being able to give back during difficult times. 
  10. I am so grateful for so much and feel very fortunate for so much we have at this moment and being able to navigate difficult times. 

Monday, January 18, 2021

Happy MLK Day!


Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Go spread love and kindness today & everyday!

Monday, January 11, 2021

2021 Goals

I know that 2020 was less than ideal for many people, but for us it was a pretty good year. Looking back there were definitely more positives than negatives, but there was definitely some really low, infuriating  and horrible points that I don't care to or that I have not shared yet because some of those low points are still trying to be resolved. 

Below are some of my goals for 2021 for business and personal. I wanted to put things that I think are attainable. I have list of other ideas as well, but these are things that I really want to work on and try to do. Some are going to be harder to do than others and that is ok. Many goals take time and hard work. In the words of Glennon Doyle "We can do hard things" : 


Stress less over things that I can not control. The fact of the matter is that shit is going to happen that I have no control over and I am just going to have to live with it. Stressing does nothing, but put me in a bad mood and it helps me to find the good rather than the bad in the situation to the best of my ability. 

Setting clear boundaries with clients. I am pretty good with this already, but some clients and potential clients need to know there are boundaries. Like I will not text back after a certain point at night, I will not always drop everything I am doing to help with their non-emergency organizing situation, I will not bump and rearrange my schedule just to accommodate them and their needs at any given moment. If you know me you know I am, try to be and probably always will be accommodating the best that I can. I really do care a lot about my clients, hence why I have been able to sustain many clients for many years. 

Hire more people. Hiring and scheduling are 2 of the most frustrating things when it comes to behind the scenes work you don't see. I have awesome people that work for me and then some will just change their mind, have life changes, move, etc. and then it is like starting all over again. It beyond frustrates me when I am interviewing people who want to get paid big bucks, but only want to work 10-20 hours a week and have no responsibility. Well, don't we all. Tell me where to hire the awesome people who actually want to work lol.

Slow down. I feel like I say this a lot, but it's true. I know there are busy seasons of our business that are crazier than others. 2020 forced many of us, including myself, to really slow down. During the pandemic and quarantine I got a TON done business wise and personally. Plus, I really needed a break. I want to really relish in certain business and personal moments and not be booking myself or the ones that work for me on a crazy amount of projects in one day. Hence, setting clear boundaries lol. When I slow down it always helps me to really think about things, be super organized, do creative things, come up with new ideas, and the list goes on and on. 


Be a good mom and wife. This year is about to change for me because I am about to become a first time mom and can't wait! I know this will present many challenges and I really want to focus on being a good mom and wife to my husband. I think I am good wife already, but I know there are definitely things that I can improve on. I think every relationship has room for improvement. 

Take time to do creative things I love and things I love in general. There are so many creative things that I love doing like creating art for various non-profits like Valentine's cards for Texas Children's Hospital, organizing toy drives for MD Anderson, reading, writing, yoga, walks, etc. These are all things I love and feel that many have been put on the back burner or I do them in a rushed way and don't feel great about doing them.

Celebrate the small things. I don't know if it is having a child or what and I have actually talked about this before on here, but celebrating the little things and finding little hints of joy and positivity, I believe can make for happier moments in life. I think like many people, the bad and negative things really get to me sometimes. Through the years I have definitely developed some thicker skin and let a lot more roll off my back, but there are some things that are just frustrating. 

Document things. Having a newborn and a year of firsts. I want to make sure I properly document everything and can't wait to document everything. 

Organize photos. I did this during quarantine, but slacked again throughout the year because of being busy with work and not feeling my best for the first 3 months of pregnancy. 

Slow down and relish in the moment. I am putting this on my personal goal as well as my business goal because I really want to do this, this year. I am ok with missing out on certain opportunities if it means I get to spend more time with my family (my priority), take care of myself, appreciate the small things, have an overall better since of positivity and happiness and the list goes on and on.

Some other fun, super realistic goals

Clean out my car daily. I am good at this already, but really want to be great at deligintly doing it more regularly.

Take down my water cups from my nightstand every morning. Anyone else guilty of having a huge accumulating pile of cups of water on their nightstand? 

Cleaning up nightly. My husband and I both made it a goal to clean up nightly by not waiting to do dishes, clearing counter tops, etc. We were semi good at this, but we are preparing for what craziness is about to come so we want to be better about this. We have started and have stuck to it so far and man it feels so good to wake up every morning to a clean kitchen or not rush clean certain areas because someone is coming over.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Eco Modern Concierge Valentine's Day Favorites


Anyone else love Valentine's Day?! For whatever reason, I love Valentine's Day & Easter. I just think it is obviously so full of LOVE and happiness. I love the color combo of red and pink together. Since our company is a concierge service based in Houston, TX, we are out and about throughout town all the time, so I often see all kinds of cute things. What are some of your Valentine's Day favorites? Here are some of my Valentine's Day favorites this year so far. 

Felt heart garland: This garland comes already restrung and I love that it is felt. It comes on a long red string so you can place the hearts at various heights, etc.

Heart shirt: During the holiday break we were out and about and I saw this shirt at the store and loved how soft it was. I would usually get a size medium and as of right now it fits perfectly over my baby bump, so that means that the shirt is probably a loose fitting shirt. 

Heart wreath: I have been wanting this wreath since last year. When I saw that it was on sale and back in stock this year I immediately jumped on it. You can also find it here

Beaded heart earrings: These are such fun earrings! I read on the Zoe Report that studs were a trend for this year so they may be perfect. 

Love garland: I love how simple and perfect this garland is.

Heart barrettes: I got these barrettes and they come several in a pack. You can buy ones that are not in a pack, but these were only a $1 more at the time so I chose to go with the pack and have given them to other people like my neighbor's little girl.

Edible glitter heart confetti: Just to be perfectly clear this is tiny hearts in a small jar, but what a fun way to decorate all kinds of food.

Gold heart clips: Another fun hair accessory.

Heart coasters: These are marble and heavy duty.

Love sign: This light up sign is perfect to light up any room. You can plug it into the wall or use batteries with it. 

Heart hand towels: I saw these the day after Christmas and immediately picked them up. They are soft and pretty in person. 

Heart marble tray: This tray is perfect for any party you may be hosting like Galentine's, Valentine's, etc. 

Heart waffle maker: I see these every year and they usually sell out pretty quickly. I am practicing my mom skills already and made waffles with it last weekend. 

Heart pillow: I also got this pillow the day after Christmas and it was the perfect pop of color for our bed. I had some simple red & white striped sheets that I used during Christmas time and thought I would continue to use them just change out the bed pillow.

Love doormat: Love this doormat and perfect for Valentine's Day.

Valentine's Day cards and seals: Unfortunately, I could not find a link for these, but they were from Target. Some years I send out Valentine's Day cards and some years I don't. I really like to and have already pre-ordered the newest heart stamps this year as well. The pack of 10 cards is $5 and the seals are 24 for $2.50.

Postage stamp garland: I love supporting the USPS and send lots of mail, so I thought this was a fun garland. I did not purchase it, but think I may get it. 

Table runner: This runner I put on my dining table and it goes great with some other simple decorations, red chargers (that I got at Dollar Tree a few years ago) and Valentine's Day plates I already had. 

Placemats: These placemats I got for my every day table that we use in our kitchen. 

Heart paper garland: I did order this because I liked the shape of the hearts and love that it is red and pink. It has not come in yet as I write this post, but it had good reviews. 

Love stamp: I love seeing what new stamps come out each year and really like this years new love stamp.

Monday, January 4, 2021

NAPO Houston Professional Organizers' #1 Tips for Getting Organized in the New Year

Happy New Year! Hope your new year is going well so far. Being part of NAPO and NAPO Houston January is considered GO (Get Organized Month) and I asked some of my colleagues what their #1 tips were for getting organized in the new year and here is what they had to say. 

Amy Vance of Eco Modern Concierge: Start small on projects. When you start small, you don't set up yourself up for failure as much and are often able to accomplish the projects you want to. Instead of saying I want to organize my whole bedroom and closet today. Say I want to tackle this dresser or a drawer within a dresser. Tackling projects bit by bit helps you eventually tackle the whole, big project and you obtain the goal you want. 

Lisa Giesler of atimeandplaceWriting a list of things you liked and didn’t like in 2020. Write goals large and small that you’d like to accomplish. Set new routines. Find the perfect quote or scripture that inspires you to be your theme for the year.

Prathima Kodali of Sorted Nest: Have a dedicated place for everything and put everything in its place.. Create yourself a habit and stick to the habit for 21 days. Habits can be as simple as keeping the shoes back on the shoe rack, instead of leaving them on the floor , doing one load of laundry a day, or.. discarding the junk mail as it comes in the door...

Ellen Delap of Professional-Organizer.comThe single most important action every day is all about your bedtime routine. Set the same morning alarm time rise time and same bedtime each evening. A great night’s rest ensures a good mood and better productivity.

Helen Schutz of HBS Organizing: Stay on top of your taxes - set up a file folder and put important tax documents in it as they come in the mail. Also put in any donation receipt letters and paperwork from any other big ticket items such as new house, new car, property taxes paid, etc. in the tax file.

Adonna Braly of Clutter RoundupHave a morning ritual that feeds your mind, body and soul. For your mind, you can read or journal. For your body, stretch, or do some kind of movement/exercise. For your soul, meditate, pray, or use affirmations. Whatever works for you. This starts your morning out feeling grounded and able to face anything. It gives you the umph you need to tackle your organizing endeavors!

Mary Jo Contello of Organized by MJ: Don't buy organizing products first. You should group like things, then edit/purge and then a place to store it. Last  buy a product to contain / store.

Photo by Olya Kobruseva from Pexels

Friday, January 1, 2021