
Monday, February 17, 2020

12 Random Acts of Kindness // Happy Random Acts of Kindness Day

Did you know that today is random acts of kindness day? I love that there is a day for this because sometimes we all get caught up in so much craziness and forget how good it feels to do random acts of kindness. At least for me I think it feels amazing!

Here are 12 random acts of kindness you can perform today and everyday.
  1. Wave to your neighbor.
  2. Post a positive comment on someone's social media or blog.
  3. Support the kids in your neighborhood by buying lemonade from their stand or items they are selling for school.
  4. Donate or volunteer to a cause you care about.
  5. Call someone you love.
  6. Write a letter to a friend or family member. 
  7. Go onto a friend or family member's Amazon wishlist and purchase something for them you think they would like. 
  8. Leave a generous tip.
  9. If you see a random cart in the parking lot, put it in the cart return.
  10. Do something unexpected and nice for a loved one.
  11. Compliment someone.
  12. Hand flowers out to strangers. I have been wanting to do this for a very long time.
Photo by Sandrachile . on Unsplash

Friday, February 14, 2020

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

7 Last Minute Clutter-Free Valentine's Day Gifts

Still stumped on what to give your loved one for Valentine's Day? Here are 7 last minute clutter-free Valentine's Day gift ideas. Of course there are so many options, but these are popular clutter-free gifts that are always a hit. Sometimes we just don't need more stuff taking up space in our home and most people love experience gifts.

  1. Day at the spa.
  2. Watch the kids for one day on the weekend, so they can have alone time or go and do something they want. 
  3. Hire a deep cleaning service. It is SO worth it. 
  4. Hire a PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER.  If you are in Houston Eco Modern Concierge is happy to help ;)
  5. Plan a staycation for the weekend. Try new places in town. 
  6. Go to a concert. If you are in Houston, Grace Potter is playing at the House of Blues and is fantastic live. 
  7. Go and get your spouse's car detailed. 

What are some of your favorite clutter-free gifts? 

Photo by Rinck Content Studio on Unsplash


Monday, February 10, 2020

Made in the USA: Water Bottle Holders

If you follow Eco Modern Concierge on Instagram, then I know you have seen me post about these water bottle holders for the last couple of years because I LOVE using them and clients usually love using them. They are perfect for helping you get organized. I love that they stack and are made in the USA. They are most commonly used in kitchens and pantries when clients are trying to get organized. You can lay them down flat or stand them up.

The water bottle holders are great for so many more things besides refillable water bottles like:

  • Wine
  • Various cooking oils
  • Big water bottles like Essentia, Pelligrino, etc. 
  • Various school supplies
  • In classrooms
  • At doctors offices
  • The list goes on and on

Do you have these water bottle holders? How do you use them?

Friday, February 7, 2020


Eco Modern Concierge is a Houston, TX based personal concierge service, we offer professional organizing and personal assistant services. I guess I never posted this, but did you know there are so many different kinds of concierges? From medical to personal to hotel concierges. I am part of the National Concierge Association of Greater Houston and have learned SO much about all the various types of concierge in Houston and all over. 

Are you in the concierge industry? If so, what type of concierge are you?

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Houston Organizer // Client EaDo Get it Done: Bathroom Organization Before & After

We did this bathroom organization project in Eado near downtown Houston a couple of years ago and I am just now catching up with everything lol. For the life of me I can't find photos of the drawers that we did, but we did use clear Linus drawer organizers to organize the drawers. In the cabinet we used white plastic bins. This client wanted to get organized throughout their whole house, so we slowly made our way through the house. 

Here is the main thing we did in this bathroom:
  1. Get rid of trash.
  2. Relocate items that did not belong in bathroom.
  3. Consolidate similar items to the same drawer.
  4. Sort out his and hers items.
  5. Put like items together in the cabinets.
  6. Use organization items. 

We used these drawer organizers and these white plastic bins that are an inexpensive option. 

Remember when you are organizing it is best to purge and sort before you go out and buy a lot of organizing tools. That way you know exactly what you have. 



Monday, February 3, 2020

Looking Back at 2019: Our Most Liked Instagram Photo

Hi! I was looking back at various posts and such from 2019 and this is the most liked photo of the year on Instagram, by a TON. I am not sure why, but I will take it. It was when I was doing a speaking engagement for Newmark Homes where I talked about all things organizing. I ended up using this photo for the Eco Modern Concierge holiday card this past year as well. If you need a professional organizer and/or personal concierge in Houston, I'm your girl!