
Thursday, December 27, 2018

Business Lessons I have Learned in 2018

2018 was a great busy year with many ups and downs. Here are some lessons I learned this year.

Go with your gut. I knew this, but I followed by gut on discontinuing a relationship with a long term, toxic client and it was such a great thing for my business. It flourished to new heights.

Have hard deadlines. When working with bloggers I have come to realize some are easier to work with than others. I have contracts that I have them sign and now will always have an agreed upon date that things need to be published by. I have gotten burned too many times by bloggers and am tired of it. I now have hard deadlines when things need to be published by. The ones that I continue to work with are absolutely amazing.

Get a deposit for certain things. I will now have a deposit required when traveling outside of Houston for work.

Have detailed contracts. Especially when working with bloggers, make sure you are very specific on deadlines and expectations. I have worked with many bloggers through the years some have been great to work with while others I would not work with them again.

Pursue what you believe in. If you believe in something make it happen.

People are still mean, but there is more good than bad I believe. As much as I want to believe in others that are in my industry there is a select few that are still mean. I got kicked out of an organizing FB group for commenting on a thread saying that I liked NAPO's podcast Stand Out. Many of my other professional organizing colleagues said this group is notorious for doing that because they don't want NAPO mentioned. Why can't they be collaborative? So dumb in my opinion.

Say no. I said no to a lot of things this year and it felt so good!

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Professional Organizer's / Concierge Must Haves: Double Sided Tape Roller

Being a professional organizer I have tried out SOOOOOO many different products through the years. This Scotch tape double sided roller tape is awesome!! It is especially great when wrapping gifts. With the holidays around the corner, this will come in handy. What is some of your favorite products?

Friday, December 14, 2018

8 Things We Forget to Do During the Holidays

The holidays can be a crazy time here are some things we often forget to do during the holidays. What is something you forget to do during the holidays?

Take time for ourselves. Relax and go schedule that spa appointment or quality time alone.
Buy batteries. Stock up on extra batteries for all of those toys and electronics that may need batteries.
Clean the fridge. Make way for all the delicious food coming your way.
Check mail deadlines. Don't forget to check deadlines for shipping items.
Budget. Don't go overboard and consider giving clutter-free gifts like experiences.
Make freezer meals. For nights you are insanely busy and don't want to cook.
Say no. Don't over commit to the things that will bring you stress.
Make a packing list. Traveling? Don't forget to make a list of your must have essentials like your passport or tickets to an event you're attending.

Photo by Emanuel Hahn on Unsplash

Wednesday, December 12, 2018


In this video I share some of my favorite products I use on lots of projects. What are some of your favorite organizing products? 

Monday, December 10, 2018

15+ Ways to Stay Calm During the Holiday Season

It is no secret that the holiday season can be stressful and frustrating. As a concierge in a big city like Houston, I am pulled 5 million different directions constantly. Here are some ways to stay calm during the holiday season.
  • Begin your day by meditating.
  • Go for a 30 minute walk.
  • Jump on a trampoline for 15 minutes.
  • Read a book.
  • Cook or bake a new recipe. 
  • Sit and watch a movie with no distractions.
  • Go for a bike ride.
  • Do yoga.
  • Write down what you are thankful for.
  • Write a letter to someone who did something nice for you.
  • Give back.
  • Talk to a neighbor, friend or family on the phone you.
  • Say thank you.
  • Decorate your house a little at a time.
  • Choose to look at the positive of the holiday season.
  • So NO to things you don't want to do.

Friday, December 7, 2018

15+ Tips for an Eco Friendly Holiday Season

The holidays can revolve around a lot of material things. Here are some eco friendly was to make your holiday season a little more eco friendly by choosing greener options.
  • Recycle your Christmas tree. 
  • Buy energy efficient LED lights.
  • Give back. 
  • Use recycled materials like recycled paper or cloth when wrapping presents.
  • Buy carbon credits from sites like TerraPass if you are traveling this holiday season. 
  • If you are deciding on where to travel choose and eco friendly or green destination.
  • Support local when having your holiday feast. 
  • Sponsor a family in need. 
  • Give experience gifts rather than stuff. 
  • Draw names and only give one gift. This reduces waste and lessens the stress.
  • Utilize timers to save on usage. 
  • Use nature as a way to decorate. 
  • If you are going to different holiday activities with others, carpool.
  • Compost leftovers.
  • Send digital cards.
  • Use non-disposable plates, glasses, flatware and napkins.
  • Buy organic or biodynamic wine and alcohol. 
Photo by Jeremy Gallman on Unsplash

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

2018 Holiday Bucket List

I love the coziness of the holidays (well here in Houston sometimes it's still hot & humid). Here is what is on my holiday bucket list this year.

  • Sit by the fireplace more.
  • Have dinner outdoors and utilize the fire pit.
  • Go ice skating at Discovery Green.
  • Look at Christmas lights in River Oaks.
  • Do some fun holiday activity in The Heights.
  • Visit the Zoo Lights.
  • Make cookies with my grandparents.
  • Cut down our Christmas tree.
  • Watch holiday movies.
  • Host an outdoor movie night.

Photo by Rodolfo Marques on Unsplash

Monday, December 3, 2018

2018 Holiday Intention

I talked about my holiday intention last year and did really well planning early again this year, especially on the gift giving side of things and with my calendar. Of course there will always be chaos that ensues, but for now I hope to be well prepared as possible for the busy holiday season.  This year my holiday intention was to give back more and it came in unexpected ways.

I am the philanthropy director for the National Concierge Association of Greater Houston and this year our give back project is to bring donations for MD Anderson's Children's Cancer Hospital to our December meeting. Plus, I am rallying my neighbor's like I do most years and some of them will be contributing this year as well. 

Then I was helping Heroes for Children this year and decided to sponsor a whole family instead of a child. Hope this family will have some holiday joy. 

Then of course, there will be volunteer projects sprinkled in this holiday season. 

What is your holiday intention?

Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Happy Hanukkah!

Happy Hanukkah to all of my clients, colleagues and friends!