
Monday, July 30, 2018

Made in the USA: Ashley Longshore

I know I have written about Ashely Longshore before, but that was almost 2 years ago and I thought I would share about her again for the made in the USA post. I recently got my Artgasm box and loved what was included in it this month, this awesome print. There is usually always stickers included too. She is currently blowing up everywhere now. So fun to see!

Who are some of your favorite artists?

Friday, July 27, 2018

10 Things that Make Me Happy June

  1. Seeing George Strait for the 1st time in Austin! BEST. CHRISTMAS. PRESENT.
  2. Father's Day with my dad and father-in-law.
  3. Lots of fun projects and lots of awesome helpers. 
  4. Being featured in the Houston Chronicle.
  5. Earning my Life Transitions certificate from NAPO.
  6. Volunteering for Heroes for Children and getting their store room organized with Organized by MJ.
  7. Speaking on the panel with some other awesome organizers for the NAPO meeting and talking about my business. 
  8. Celebrating my aunts birthday with family and friends.
  9. Trying new restaurants The General Public and Uncle Julio's.
  10. Several new clients with awesome projects.

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

A Professional Organizers Tools to Lining Shelves

Lately with all of the moves I have been helping with here in Houston, I have been lining shelves like crazy. Summertime is a big moving time for clients so professional organizers usually stay pretty busy. Here are some of my tools I like to use when lining shelves. Most were recommendations from other organizers, Zensible Organizing and Organized by MJ, and products I have come to love too. 

Do you line your shelves and do you have specific tools you like to use?

Monday, July 23, 2018

Made in the USA: WrapMaster Hand Held Paper Cutter

When I was on a work trip in Austin with Mary Jo, from Organized by MJ, we did a quick Container Store run and came across this hand held paper cutter that we had not seen at the Houston location yet. After some TCS employees told us it worked great we had to get it and give it a go. I love it and love that it is made in the USA. Have you seen or used this before?

Friday, July 20, 2018

Update on 2018 Goals

I thought I would do an update on my 2018 goals so far this year. Below in red are my updates.

2018 Personal Goals

Self care. At the end of 2017 I really got into more self care practices and think it is SO important. I want to make it a goal of mine to do more self care, more often. Well I still need to work on this, but I have made attempts.

More  yoga. Since I had wrist surgery in June 2017, I finally started getting my strength back in November. During June - November I got out of the yoga practice for a good chunk of time and long to get my strength and flexibility back. Unfortunately, this has not happened. The last 2 months have been insane and I haven't even been to the gym :(.

Document more. I have a bad habit of not documenting things like I used to by writing them down and taking pictures. I want to do more of that this year. I think I have done much bette of doing this. 

Explore Houston. The last several years I have really gotten away from exploring Houston like I used to and feel so out of the loop sometimes, so I want to spend more time exploring. I want to continue exploring and have been to several new places. 

Get rid of toxicity. I am going to put this on here again this year because IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN. I have some very toxic things in my life and am already making steps to change them. It can just really drag you down. I  know this in turn will make me much happier and be a better wife. I DID THIS!!! I no longer work for a very toxic client and my energy has shifted and my business has flourished. 

2018 Business Goals

Learn new things. Many years ago I put this on my list and had so much fun learning new things each month. I want to do this for business and personal. I have learned some new things, but not like I wanted to do.

Join different business networking groups. There are so many fun networking groups out there and although, I don't always want to network, I do want to meet new people and hear about different businesses in Houston.   I am happy to be a part of so many new groups! 

Take more online courses. I want to take more classes online and really expand on learning new things. I have taken many new online courses and even earned my Life Transitions certificate from NAPO.

Collaborate more with colleagues. This year I got to know so many new, wonderful colleagues in the professional organizing and concierge fields and want to collaborate more with them and get to know them more. I have been doing a lot of this the last 2 months and man it has been fun.

More videos. I want to create more videos for work and play around with things to see if I can perfect them a little more. I have been consistent at making them, but no at posting them. Many have been in the draft folders on my YouTube account. 

Give back more. I have always given back, but this past year I made it a point to put out there I want to give back to one organization a month by providing a free organizing session. When the hurricane came things got halted mixed with organizations not getting back to me. This is the year I will put more of an effort into it. This is a passion of min and continue to do it. I have been trying to give back at least once a month for organizing services and also, all my other volunteering stuff that I LOVE!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

A Houston Professional Organizer's 5 Time Saving Tips

Head to the Eco Modern Concierge YouTube channel to see 5 of my time saving tips. As a professional organizer and concierge here in Houston where I am constantly on the go (or in traffic), I am constantly looking for ways to save time for myself and my clients. What are some of your time saving tips? 

Monday, July 2, 2018

Made in the USA: Saddle Soap

I recently got this saddle soap to clean up my Sabah shoes. It worked great! I have since used on other leather goods as well. I love that it is made in the USA and that it worked so well. I purchased at my local shoe repair shop, but you can get it here as well.