January is Get Organized month everywhere and here is Houston all the stores have their organization items out in full effect. I know there are tons of people trying to get organized and get their life in order as new years resolutions. I know that I am booking clients here in Houston who are ready to get a fresh start on their organization.
As I have said several times on here before I try to be as eco as possible, but my vice is paper (stationery, organizers, etc). I love paper products whether it be to make various things with them, that I can send them to people, etc.
I am not against electronic calendar organizers. They just aren't as effective for me, as I am more a visual person and like to see it in front of me and make notes.
Below are several paper planner organizers that I use for various reasons.
This organizer I use on a daily basis for clients, personal, etc. I use the Franklin Covey compact size. I love it. I have used this for years and years. It is small enough to fit into most of my purses and it stores various business cards, notes, etc.
This organizer is a new one from Sugar Paper that I found at Target for $5. It is one that I use in my home maintenance binder. I put things on it like when I need to change filters, house appointments, dog medication, etc.
This one is a Russell + Hazel calendar that use in conjunction with their mini binder. If you have read the blog for a while you know that I love Russell + Hazel products as they are eco and made in the USA. This one is for personal use
This is another mini calendar from Sugar Paper that I found at Target. This one I currently use to store important work dates. I honestly don't know specifically how I will end up using it, but it is very compact, thin and I was thinking I may take it to client meetings instead of the more bulky brown one. Plus, it is made on part recycled paper and soy ink.