
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Closet and Office Organization

Below are photos from a closet and office organization job that I did. I always seem to forget to take photos of my work. So I am trying to be more diligent about it. I love this client (like I love all my clients). She is always so sweet and fun to work with and we get a ton accomplished in a short time. 

When organizing I try to work with what you already have in your home so we don't have to go out and buy a ton of new things. Unless of course my clients want new items to make everything look more uniform.



After photos from office organization (I forgot to take the before photos):

Monday, January 28, 2013

Cleanse Update

So I said I would update on the Clean cleanse that I am doing and well it is awesome / sucks! Don't get me wrong I feel amazing, my skin has cleared up (my eczema on my hands is gone) and I feel super energized. I haven't lost any weight from it, which is not what I was going for, but many people do. I am wanting to rid my body of toxins.  The down side is that I have had some pretty bad headaches that I just have to suffer through and I have felt hungry a lot. This is my last week of doing the cleanse and I am sure glad for it to be over with. The meals are starting to get mundane. 

I would totally recommend it and I will more than likely do it again in a year and hopefully buy Dr. Junger's kit next time. I need to refocus and ask myself "Why am I doing the cleanse?". 

I have learned a lot about certain foods that we eat and will be more mindful when I am at the grocery store and try to eat  more "clean" meals.

Photo Courtesy of: Clean

Friday, January 18, 2013

Deborah Lippmann: "Girls" Nail Polish

The new season of Girls started this past Sunday and I am currently obsessed. I am also obsessed with Deborah Lippmann nail polishes and she has a limited edition collection inspired by the show Girls. All her polishes are beautiful and environmentally friendly. The contain no toluene, formaldehyde or DBP, and they do not test on animals. It is $45 for the set of Girls nail polishes. 

Photo Courtesy of: Deborah Lippmann

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Pantone Color of the Year: Emerald Green

The Pantone color of the year is emerald green. I LOVE this color and have several jewelry pieces in an emerald color and think they just give the perfect pop to my outfits. I do wish I had more emerald green clothing pieces though. I have been seeing emerald green on several people during awards season as well. The color report for spring 2013 is also out. 

Photo Courtesy of: Pantone

Monday, January 14, 2013

The Clean Cleanse

Today marks the first day of me starting the Clean cleanse program. I have been wanting to do this program for 4 years now and I am finally starting the full program. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I am excited that I will be removing toxins from my body and feeling good overall, but nervous that I will not be able to follow through or will feel really hungry. 

I called into a group call with Dr. Junger and his team last Thursday and it was a really reassuring and a positive call. Everyone had GREAT advice and was VERY supportive. It made me even more excited to be a part of the program and now I really can't wait to get started. The cleanse is 21 days long and a 6 week program overall. I am doing the book version not the kit. Although, I do really want to buy the kit. I just didn't want to make that financial commitment at this time. 

I will keep you updated about how the cleanse is going. I have a feeling I'm going to love it. 

Photo Courtesy of: Clean Program

Thursday, January 10, 2013

After Christmas

Christmas is about so much more than just gifts for me, along with many people, but I thought I would share with you some of my favorite things that I received this year. Besides Bryan coming home because that was definitely my favorite thing. 

KitchenAid Mixer that was a joint gift to Bryan and I from my mom. Bryan's parents also got it for us, but  we returned the mixer they gave us and got some pots and pans instead. We had this on our wedding registry and really wanted it, but finally got it for Christmas (2 actually!). We can't wait to start baking and seeing what all this mixer can do.

LEGO VW Bus gifted to me from Bryan's parents. I have wanted this for a while and finally got. I finished it in about 6 hours and there are all kinds of neat things inside the bus.

Hurom Juicer  gifted to me by Bryan. It was a total surprise because we had set a dollar amount to spend on gifts for each other and this far surpassed our limit. I love this juicer and I have used it so much already. 

My Ideal Bookshelf gifted to me, along with some things, from my aunts and uncles. This book is filled with the favorite books of many different people from authors to filmakers. An interesting read.

Kaweco Pen gifted to me by Bryan. I love this pen and it great to carry on the go.

Wedgewood China  was gifted to Bryan and I by my grandparents. My great great aunt gave us some of this china when she was moving into a nursing home and we have been slowly receiving the missing pieces. We both love this china.

We also received some gift cards from my dad and we have already used some. 

I am so grateful and appreciative for all the things that Bryan and I have received and love all of it. 

Photos courtesy of: Amazon, LEGO,

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The January Cure

January is get organized month. Apartment Therapy has some great posts each day this month to help you get organized called The January Cure. I like them all, but my favorite one so far is the post on flowers and green cleaners. They started with the posts last week, but if you are dedicated you can catch up. Go over there and check it out. If you can't do it on your own, you can always call ME to help you get organized. 

Photo Courtesy of: Apartment Therapy

Tuesday, January 1, 2013